Wednesday, March 4, 2009

2 weeks from today we leave!!!

Well, 2 weeks from today we will be waiting in the Chicago airport for our plane to Beijing! So exciting. Its been a bit of a stressful week. We have had some issues with the processing of our grant and also issues with our new insurance. Its been hard to not get down and worry about how things will all work out. But, God is in control and He WILL help us through it. His timing is never late. So, I have been working really hard at having faith in Him and giving EVERYTHING to him with our adoption. Its so hard sometimes! Mike has not been feeling well last night and today and may have a stomach bug, but is slowly feeling better.
We still have lots to do to prepare. Some gifts to buy for the orphanage workers and travel guides, snacks for our trip, and house cleaning to do. But, its all falling into place.
If you can, pray for us that we are able to get our grant money processes before our trip. Otherwise, we will have to put several thousand on a credit card and that is not what we want to do.
Also, pray for us that we can keep trusting in Him that all of this will work out.
Thanks to everyone for your support more good thing....we got an appointment with the International Adoption Clinic through Riley Hospital for Hannah. They will check her out very thoroughly when we get home to make sure she doesn't have any parasites or any other health issues. Also, we talked to Shriner's hospital and it looks like we will most likely have Hannah's orthopaedic surgery in Chicago. More details to come on that.....


Keetha Broyles said...

I can "hear" the excitement mounting as you prepare for this most special trip!

Rusti and Kevin "Snuffy" said...

Keep the faith!!! Sonetimes that is all we have. You will be with Hannah shortly.


Kristin said...

Michelle - sorry to hear your week has been stressful but I completely understand your pain. We too have had some issues to work through. Our visas were delayed...we had some tax issues....and now insurance issues. UGH - issues stink! you've said and I also beleive...God is in control and He will see us through this! He has brought us so far...blessed us so much...He will never leave us! Praise God for His faithfulness! Can't wait to get our final itineraries! Blessings!