Thursday, April 23, 2009

Hannah's 1st Dr.'s appointment

We took Hannah to Riley International Adoption Clinic yesterday for a thorough check-up. She did very well and actually had gained 2 pounds from when we were in China. She is now 24 lbs.! The Dr. said she is developmentally on target, but that she wants to run several blood tests to check and make sure Hannah does not have any genetic conditions which caused her leg and hip deformity. We will be getting some blood work done over the next week or so and in the meantime, Dr. Keck will be helping us set up some appointments with an Orthopaedic Specialist and a Geneticist at Riley soon. Overall, Hannah is doing very well and the Dr. was very surprised at how well she is sleeping, speaking english, and eating! Thanks for all the prayers for her. We believe that is why she is doing so well! I think our biggest struggle right now is brother and sister learning to share toys, but will that ever get better??? Ha!


Mandi said...

That is great news about Hannah. We use an orthopedic doctor from Riley for Mylee's leg and feet issues. He is absolutely amazing and very good with kids. Let me know if you want his name.


Keetha Broyles said...

Oh that picture of Wesley and Hannah together is PRICELESS!!!! Maybe they don't always share their toys well - - - but look at those faces!!! They surely do love each other.

Paul, Misty, and Evan said...

Hey Michelle! I've been following your blog for a little while now and am so happy you're finally home with your little girl! What a blessing...and she's beautiful! I only wish you the absolute best!
Misty Kern

Anonymous said...

They are so cute together! Yuna keeps asking for "Yu Mei" - it's really cute. I show her Hannah's pic from time to time and she just loves it. I'm so happy to hear all is going well! Oh, and we truly understand the 'sharing of the toys' battles. That's an every day issue here in our household! We just added more pix of Yuna today - see:

All the best - Joanne ; )

Anne Marie said...

We love the picture also. Kai talks about Hannah all the time. He will just say out of the blue, "Hannah is so cute". We struggle with sharing also. Probably a normal sibling thing don't you think? We miss you guys!

Joanne said...

Michelle - we miss you guys! Would LOVE to hear from you - please call us at 561.628.6302. All the best, Joanne