Friday, January 30, 2009


Well, December 15, 2008 was a big step in the right direction. We received LOA(Letter of Acceptance) from China. What this means is we have been officially approved by China to adopt our daughter. We signed the acceptance letter and overnighted it to the Grand Rapids office.
On 1/23/09, we finally received our I-800A approval through the Immigration Services. Wow! What a relief it is to have that approved. This took 59 days and we were excited about that because recently they were taking over 90 days to complete a couple months ago.
Now we just have to send in our I-800 to Immigration Services to show that we have accepted a child that is an orphan and we will complete the adoption in China, not the United States.
The frustrating thing is, this is a fairly new form for everyone and our adoption agency is learning with it, too. They contacted me today and said that are checking with the Grand Rapids office to make sure they have all the correct forms to attach to the I-800 when we send it in. We have it complete and ready to send in as soon as we get the needed information from them.
We also heard that it takes about 5-12 days to get approval on this form once its sent in! Yeah! At least this doesn't take very long. As soon as we get this, we should get our travel dates. We are still hoping to travel in about a month.

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